New Intake to MiniBoss Business School (Harvard for Kids)

September 20, 2024

STARTUP FORUMS: business angels issued more than £5M grants investments to MINIBOSS startups in 2000-2023

STARTUP FORUM is a key practical educational element of MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL Academic Programme.

Students of MINIBOSS Business Schools receive real money from Business Angels to finance their startups.

Now the work will go further in the MiniBoss Business Incubator.

MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL is a one & only global network of weekend business schools which grows up a new generation of business elites globally!
In the MiniBoss academic model, traditionally, for the 23rd year in a row, in the second semester of the course, students move on to practice, where they manage to come up with a business idea and bring it to life in 5 months.

Startup Forums for young entrepreneurs of the world are held in each of the MINIBOSS branches in various countries of the world from Britain to Ukraine, from Kazakhstan to Australia, from Germany and the Philippines from March to May.

The Startup Forums series is traditionally organized by the leader of the world system of business education for children and youth, the International Educational Network MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL (Great Britain).

Startup Forums for young entrepreneurs bring hope to the world for prosperity, because they demonstrate not only the degree of theoretical preparation of students and the degree of the so-called "static mind", but also the degree of "practical mind", namely entrepreneurship. This is not taught by any general education school in the world. Students receive this business knowledge and skills at MINIBOSS Saturday and Sunday business schools, so they can easily combine their mainstream school and business school.

As the founder of MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL Olga Azarova notes: “Even a terrible phenomenon like the Russian war in Ukraine brings its lessons to children. MINIBOSS business schools are different in that they do not just give knowledge frozen in formulas, here children are taught life, which means they learn to analyze facts, assess the situation and survive here and now. That is why 99% of all children's projects in 2022 were social, that is, solving certain problems of the war in Ukraine (from children to adults, from refugees to the army). This is how children open their awareness and learn to defend their Motherland."

The purpose of the Startup Forum is to identify and support innovative and socially useful business projects for children and youth aged 6-17.

The mission of the Startup Forum is to create new business elites capable of developing national economies, creating new goods and services, and improving people's living standards.

Young businessmen - students of the International Educational Network MINIBOSS & BIGBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOLS in the first semester of the academic year learn the basics of entrepreneurship, divergent and inventive thinking, the basics of project management and teamwork, and in the second semester they put all the knowledge gained into practice, presenting their business idea to the judgment of famous entrepreneurs - jury members of the Startup Forum.

It is the IDEA of a business project that is presented at the Startup Forum, in which business angels invest their capital.

And already at the level of the National Championships and the World Championships (in 3 months), young startups present ideas already implemented in practice and show the financial results of the startup.

From 2000 to 2022, in the system of Startup Forums in all countries where there are branches of MINIBOSS & BIGBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOLS, business angels issued grants to young startups to develop their business ideas in the amount of more than € 5M.

The Startup Forum is supported by the European Business Development Association (EBRD), local business associations, business clubs, municipalities and hundreds of well-known entrepreneurs.

This year Startup Forum 2023 will be held both live and online. As always, the forum will bring together socially responsible entrepreneurs to support children's and youth startups.

This noble initiative and educational model of MINIBOSS & BIGBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL is already 24 years old!

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