New Intake to MiniBoss Business School (Harvard for Kids)

September 16, 2022

MINIBOSS in ASIA 2022: Celebrating the 3rd Year Anniversary

MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL in ASIA: the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia received official licenses for global business education for children and teenagers from MiniBoss Business School/IBA (UK) in 2019.

We celebrate today the 3rd Year Anniversary of the MiniBoss Buainess Schools in Asia Agreement!
Today is exactly three years since the contract was signed.

The MBBS Franchise Agreement was solemnly signed by Andrii Azarov, MiniBoss founder, and Robert Galindez, MiniBoss Asia Franchisee ownerm, SRIA founder. The contract and training of franchisees and teachers took place in Thailand.

After the Franchise training, a period of active introduction of the MBBS world-class business education programs into the curriculum of these schools began, where thousands of Asian students study. MiniBoss courses here are part of the curriculum of the leading schools in Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia under the guidance of a respected family of educators - Mary June and Robert Galindez.

Three countries represented by MINIBOSS Franchisee - Robert Galindez, the founders of a network of private schools and colleges in Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia, received licenses for global business education for children and teenagers.

A new quality of education and new opportunities are essential for the children of Asia. World-Class Business Education gives them not just a profession, but gives a chance to unleash their full potential and get a super-power for selfrealization.
State institutions also support the introduction of MINIBOSS into the education system, because they understand the clear benefits for the state - the more entrepreneurs there are in the country, the faster the economy will develop and the country's GDP will rise, which means that the level and quality of life of all people will significantly increase. 

MINIBOSS = wealth of nations!

Congratulations with the 3rd Year Anniversary!